포트리 내과

김정원 일반내과 전문의

내가족의 평생 주치의.

감염내과 펠로우쉽
노인내과 펠로우쉽

포트리 내과 김정원 원장

감염내과와 노인내과 2개의 펠로쉽을 거친 20년 경력의 탄탄한 임상경험으로 한분 한분 정성을 다해 치료합니다.


내과 레지덴트 Internal Medicine Residency
감염내과 펠로우쉽 Infectious Disease Fellowshiop
노인내과 펠로우십 Geriatric Medicine Fellowship
at New York Medical College, St. Vincent Catholic Medical Center



*고혈압, 당뇨, 고지혈증, 관절 질환
*이민국 신체검사
*혈액검사, 소변검사, 심전도
*각종 예방접종
*결핵검사, 간단한 치매검사


What people say about us

Join the hundreds of satisfied customers who trusted us with their unique needs.
Below are comments made by some of our customers. We thought you would like to hear them!

Dr. Jeongwon Kim, MD Board certified in Internal Medicine. Dr. Kim provided kind, compassionate and proficient, skilled care to me while I was a patient at Masonicare Health Center in Wallingford, CT. recovering from complications with Myasthenia Gravis and Polymyositis. It is not often a doctor treats you more like family than just a number.

- Anthony Dean
from Wallingford, CT

Dr. Jeongwon Kim, has been my doctor at Masonic for 4 years. She treated me with respect. She took great care of me and my concerns so very patiently. Excellent doctor. I would highly recommend anyone to see her!

- Susan Centmehaiey
from CT

I have gone to see many Internal Medicine physicians in the past, but my recent visits to Dr. Jeongwon Kim were exceptional and standout among the rest. She is truly a caring person and really took the time to explain everything to me in plain language that I can understand. I appreciated her follow-up as well. Her new office had a very comforting feel to it and the staff made sure that my appointment times were promptly met with minimal wait time. I finally have a physician to call my own in the Fort Lee area!

James Kim
from Fort Lee, NJ